Clay Blanco
Clay Blanco
BHRT & Wellness Specialist
Over 15+ years of experience
Clay has been personally administering hormone replacement therapy for over 15 years. After the age of twenty, Clay lost his edge and knew something was wrong, but no one could help him. So he began consulting with many different doctors from internist, endocrinologist, and homeopathic physicians, but to no avail. Not being able to attain the level of health he once had, he quickly realized that he was on his own on his voyage to find optimal health. He took matters into his own hands and began eagerly studying hours on end, his biochemistry by attending several times A4M anti-aging conferences, reading just about every research paper on the subject of hormone replacement therapy, and personally experimenting on himself until he mastered his biochemistry and reached the level of health he once had.
Now he helps patients attain optimal well-being without using conventional medicine or helping them minimizing its use. He preaches all the time that there three things define aging. They are memory, vision, and mobility and to maintain proper function of these; hormone replacement is needed as we age. Hormone replacement therapy should not be considered without a complete understanding of how all the body’s hormones interact with each other. If one is altered or deficient, it will affect the actions of all of the other hormones in your body. The hormonal response of an individual is as unique as their fingerprints. How one response to hormone replacement therapy is related to genetic profile, the condition of your health, stress level, nutritional supplementation, detoxification, and what you eat. All the hormones in the body are designed to work together. However, one size does not fit all, and that is why it is imperative that we customize each treatment for each patient with proper blood work, the right doctor to prescribe, and the best coordinator possible to explain to the patient “in layman’s term” everything they need to know and understand about their biochemistry. It takes serious experience and knowledge to get the job done, and I am more than confident that anyone cared for under my watch is in the best hands they could possibly be.