Advanced Testing


Are You in Control of Your Health, or Is It Controlling You?

Nutritional balance plays a key role in optimal wellness, chronic disease prevention and managing the aging process.

  • Do you find yourself feeling stressed, tired and maybe a little depressed?
  • Do you take prescription medicines to alleviate symptoms of certain conditions, but wonder why the condition exists at all?
  • Do you want to boost your immune system now, to possibly prevent chronic disease later?

SpectraCell’s Micronutrient testing offers the most accurate, scientifically proven method of assessing nutritional deficiencies.

Be Proactive, NOT Reactive

Traditionally, a person waited to go to the doctor at the first signs of a symptom. Today, individuals are looking for way to not only manage illness with personalized treatment plans, but they are also seeking to achieve a higher level of wellness.

Eating a balanced diet, exercising and taking a multivitamin is simply not enough. Each person’s body is unique in its own way. Due to the complexity of the human body, an individualized healthcare approach is the only way to guarantee optimal results.

What is Micronutrient Testing?

SpectraCell’s Micronutrient tests measure the function of 35 nutritional components including vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids within our white blood cells. Scientific evidence shows us that analyzing the white blood cells gives us the most accurate analysis of a body’s deficiencies.

What results will I see?

SpectraCell’s Micronutrient lab results include an overview page with all deficiencies listed, numeric and graphic reports easily identifying deficiencies and repletion and supplementation recommendations.

SpectraCell’s Micronutrient test includes:

Vitamin, mineral and antioxidant deficiencies have been shown to affect the function of the immune system which can contribute to degenerative processes such as arthritis.

How do I get my Micronutrient tests?

Your healthcare provider can tell you more about SpectraCell’s Micronutrient tests and order a test for you, or you can order your own test kit online today. You will receive your easy-to-read, comprehensive test results within 3 weeks. Additional cardiovascular testing services and specialized genetic tests including our Telomere Test are also available through SpectraCell Laboratories.

Vibrant Wellness

Vibrant Wellness is pleased to present to you, WheatZoomer testing, to help you make healthy lifestyle choices in consultation with your physicians and dietitians. It is intended to be used as a tool to encourage a general state of health and

WheatZoomer is a wheat sensitivity analytics tool consisting of a microarray platform which has synthesized wheat proteins, as peptides, and offers very specific antibody-to antigen recognition. The Vibrant Wheat Zoomer is designed to assess an individual’s sensitivity to wheat. It also includes testing for the HLA isoforms associated with Celiac disease. The test provides nutritional guidance that can be discussed with your physician/dietitian.

Interpretation of Report: The test results of individual wheat proteins are calculated by comparing the average intensity of the peptides tested to the healthy reference range. Reference ranges have been established for pediatric and adult population using 192 healthy individuals. The reference range for each test populates automatically based on the age of each individual tested.

The results are displayed in 3 columns surrounded by GREEN (In Control), YELLOW (Moderate) or RED (High Risk) box. Potential risk, related information and potential risk mitigation choices are presented towards the end of the report and will populate for individual tests if you have a YELLOW or RED result.

Ratings for the references are calculated based on the Impact Factor, Citations, and Study Population of the references which correlate the antigen/antibody with the associated conditions. It is indicated based on a star based system (1 star – 5 stars) with 5 stars indicating the best correlation of the protein with the potential associated risk. The Impact Factor of the journal in which the reference is published is the number of citations received by articles published in that journal during the two preceding years, divided by the total number of articles published in that journal during the two preceding years. Study population includes the number of samples tested along with gender, age and ethnicity of the population.

Vibrant Wellness is a personalized health analytics company founded out of our passion to serve patients and providers. The Vibrant Wellness platform provides tools for you to track and analyze your general wellness profile. All testing offered by Vibrant Wellness is performed at a CLIA approved lab testing facility and licensed by California Department of Public Health.

Which Patients Can Benefit From Micronutrient Testing?

Individuals who have the following symptoms, diagnoses, or risk factors should consider testing their extra- and
intracellular micronutrient status:

  • Advanced age
  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Arthritis
  • Skin problems
  • Numbness or tingling in extremities
  • Weakened immune system
  • Digestive disorders with malabsorption (Celiac, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis)
  • SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
  • Long-term use of prescription medication
  • A diet high in processed foods
  • Obesity
  • Intense athletic training
  • Following a vegan or vegetarian diet
  • Neurological symptoms (impaired memory, confusion, ataxia, loss of balance, tremors)
  • Stubborn weight gain
  • Sudden unexplained weight loss
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Digestive abnormalities: diarrhea,
    constipation, excessive bloating

Why use Vibrant Micronutrients?

Vibrant Micronutrients is the only test on the market to measure direct levels of extra- and intracellular micronutrients, giving advanced providers the most complete and accurate picture of a patient’s micronutrient status.

Mass spectrometry provides the highest accuracy of direct measures of micronutrients in serum and within cells.

Treating complex diseases and conditions requires the most comprehensive tests to assess all facets of a patient’s risk and health profile. Assessing absorption of nutrients at both the gastrointestinal barrier and cellular membrane by measuring extra- and intracellular levels is the only way to objectively determine root causes of malnutrition and inflammation.

This holistic view of nutrient status can aid providers in differentiating between dietary, genetic, and other factors that impair nutrient metabolism or absorption.

Spectra Cell

SpectraCell’s Patented Technology

SpectraCell’s micronutrient testing offers a unique means to scientifically assess the intracelluler requirements of  micronutrients that play an important role in the overall health and wellness of your patients. Our tests measure the biological function of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants, providing a powerful clinical assessment tool for your practice.

SpectraCell’s patented chemically defined control media contains the minimal amount of each essential micronutrient that is needed to support optimal lymphocyte growth or mitogenic response. The functional intracellular status of micronutrients involved in cell metabolism is evaluated by manipulation of the individual micronutrients in the media, followed by mitogenic stimulation and measurement of DNA synthesis.

The same technology also provides a total antioxidant function test (SPECTROXTM) which assesses the ability of cells to resist damage caused by free radicals and other forms of oxidative stress. Due to the considerable number of cellular antioxidants with extensive interactions, redundancies, repair and recharging capabilities, measuring total function is the most accurate and clinically useful way to assess your patients’ capacity to resist oxidative damage.

The reported ImmunidexTM  score is used to evaluate a person’s cell-mediated immune system performance. Specifically, it measures T-cell lymphocyte proliferation. Since immune function is a systematic measure of general health, a higher Immunidex is generally desired since it means a person can respond efficiently not only to exogenous threats such as pathogens or allergens, but also to endogenous threats such as malignancies.

SpectraCell Labs – Micronutrient Testing

  • Direct measurement of micronutrients in living cells
  • Measures cellular function inT-lymphocytes
  • Measures absorption and utilization of the nutrient
  • Provides a 4 – 6 month window of nutritional balance
  • Measures cell mediated immune function and provides Immunidexâ„¢ score
  • Spectroxâ„¢ measures total antioxidant function
  • MeasuresT-cell proliferation in response to challenge
  • Measures biochemical individuality

Other Nutritional Assays

  • Assess metabolic pathways and assume deficiency of measures static non-functional levels
  • No functional capabilities Testing performed using urine, serum, hair
  • Do NOT measure absorption and functional performance of nutrients
  • Do NOT provide broad assessment – only snapshot of status
  • Do NOT measure immune function
  • Do NOT measure total antioxidant function
  • Do NOT measure cell proliferation or response to challenge
  • Do NOT assess biochemical individuality

Features and Benefits

Micronutrient Testing 

  • Uses active peripheral lymphocytes instead of serum Measures the end point of DNA synthesis
  • Re ects nutrient status over the last 4-8 months
  • Measures how micronutrients and antioxidants areactually functioning within the white blood cells Re ects total metabolic function rather than isolated biochemical pathways
  • Demonstrates the intracellular function of micronutrients simultaneously
  • Gives physicians the ability to tailor treatment plans to each patient’s speci c requirements rather than to “norms

Testing Lymphocytes

  • Provides a more accurate measurement of long term functional nutritional levels Are host to cell-mediated immune system
  • Possesses metabolic pathways common to other cells
  • Contains nucleus which permits rapid DNA synthesis and cell growth Measures DNA synthesis and cell growth
  • Are easily available in large numbers from a standard blood draw Indicates if nutrients are being absorbed and functioning properly

Clinical Applications

  • Knowing nutritional risk factors and treating their causes can contribute to the arrest or prevention of many degenerative conditions
  • Patients derive signi nt bene ts from personalized treatment and repletion Allows for early intervention to correct ciencies and promote health Micronutrient testing provides important baseline tests to identify de ciencies

Tests for B6, B12, Folate & Homocysteine

  • Gives the physicians an overall informative cardiovascular program, not just a lab number Combines Micronutrient testing and HPLC methodology for Homocysteine
  • Examines the cellular function of each individual to nd out what is needed to x the homocysteine problem and reduce risk, cardiovascular disease and stroke

SPECTROXTM – Antioxidant Testing

  • Percentage gives a total antioxidant and immune functionmeasurement, not just one or two spec values
  • Measures ability of cells to withstand attack from free radicals and other oxidative stresses (antioxidant reserve)

IMMUNIDEXTM Immune Response Score

  • Evaluates cell mediated immune system performance
  • General measurement of how one’s system will respond to exogenous and endogenous threats

Easy Sample Collection

  • No refrigeration or freezing
  • Complete test kit and transportation provided
  • No centrifugation

Report Interpretation

  • Easy to read reports for clinicians and the patient
  • Numerical and graphic representation of each result
  • Repletion suggestions provided
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